Summer Academy
- The prime objective is to transfer knowledge and special skills to the international participants.
- To build skilled human resource so that there will be advancement of bioenergy in the participating country.
- To provide an invaluable platform for exchange of professional and cultural experiences among diverse participants.
- To leverage the research that continues to shape this rapidly evolving discipline.
Training Methodology
- Lectures include exercises and case studies to stimulate active participation and dialogue.
- Hands-on working on bioenergy equipment
- Study visits to operating bioenergy farms to enhance effective transfer of knowledge.
Resource Persons
The resource persons for this training programme will be scientists, industry professionals, academicians and other experts who have significantly contributed for bioenergy development.
Course Syllabus
The course content for the training has been carefully thought out syllabus with specific subject experts giving lectures and going through specific case studies such that, at the end of the day considerable useful knowledge transfer is perceived.
The programme will address the following aspects:
- Bioenergy conversion technology and power generation
- Bioenergy technology and developments
- Design of biogas and biofuel plant
- Planning including design biogas and biofuel plants
- Installation and commissioning of biogas and biofuel plants
- Post installation activities
- Ukrainian government policies and schemes and legal frameworks
- Bioenergy developments in Ukraine
Please, see the Schedule here...